I'm going to add a blog list to this blog. If you have used my background on your blog and want to share it with the others, leave me a comment and give a link to your blog. I will then add your blog to my blog roll. :))
Don't forget to check my
freebie offer too.

I love your backgrounds, they are some of the best I've seen! I am using one on my blog. The link is: http://www.blondheart.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot!
Thank you Kelly, I love your header. It's an honor to add your blog to my list. :))
ReplyDeletehello, you can find on of your background on my blog: http://weer-spiegeling.blogspot.com/
ReplyDelete(Weerspiegeling is Dutch for Reflection, and your background just perfectly matched with that); thank you so much.
Bye bye!
I found your backgrounds through a friend and love them! I'm using one now, and have ideas to maybe interchange a few in the future. =) You can visit me at www.liliesandlimes.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteAnita and Amber, than you so much for your links, your blogs have been added to my blog list. :))
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your link and your blog looks cool, you are a great designer, that's why I'm really honored that you've used my background. :))
Hello there!
ReplyDeleteI'm using one of your lovely backgrounds and thankyou for making your lovely work available to the public. Also, you were very helpful when I had a problem with getting it on my blog. I thank you again.
Here is the link to my blog By the Hill
It would be my pleasure for it to be on your blog roll.
ReplyDeleteThank you, I'm glad you found something you like and I could help you with your problem. I'm happy to add your blog on the list.
Hi,love all your free blog backgrounds,I would love you to add my blog to your list,thanks
Hi Jayne
ReplyDeleteI peeked to your blog and I love your creations, very cool. Your blog is now on my blog list. :))
Thank You so very much for sharing your work with us!!!!! Thank You for making it easy to understand as well!!! You are wonderful!
I'm not sure if I actually posted my comment - or moved on before doing so!
ReplyDeleteAnyway... I think your Backgrounds are THE VERY BEST! I've used them on 2 of my Blogs (the background to the 3rd is stuck and WILL NOT change - or that would be yours too.
Hallo itkupilli,
ReplyDeleteI love your work and have even four blogs which have your wonderful design! :)
About writing my novel "Evora's Garden":
http://www.evoras-garten.blogspot com
Online Diary
My handmade soaps - still under construction
and coming soon: another blog about my writing projects:
Greets from rainy Germany,
Jackie, Bearbytree and Salome
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your links, I took a fast peek to all your blogs and I must come back with better time. I added your blogs to the blog list. :)))
I LOVE your work- it's phenomenal! to have an ounce of your talent would be my dream- I am new to the actual blogging and providing free resources to others- i have many many fun stuff up my sleeve- But here's the link to my blog page- i just LOVE it! I only wish it had a header to go with it! http://jinifur.blogspot.com/ as i said, i'm new and the html and blog designing is a whole new animal for me....:)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I really feel honoured to be in your Blog Roll!
ReplyDeleteYour work is so wonderful!
Have a great week!
Hi! Thanks for your beautiful backgrounds. I took two of them for my blogs: lo spazio di lilla
ReplyDelete(http://spaziolilla.blogspot.com) and Welcome to lilla's shop (http://lillashop.blogspot.com).
Saluti dall'Italia.
Hello! I think your backgrounds and everything else you creative is just wonderful. I have used a couple of backgrounds in the past and I am using one right now. Please continue your beautiful work and I will continue to marvel at it...It would be my pleasure to be part of your blog roll.
Kirsi, you know how I love your backgrounds! And love to purchase your fantastic collage sheets and digital sets too! They are the best by far.
ReplyDeleteYou have the most creative and fun imagination I've ever seen!
It's hard to make up my mind which to use so they change every few weeks. Seems I enjoy decorating te blogs more than i like to actually blog about things lol.
You inspire me1
Thank You so very much for sharing your work with us.. I m using one of your creation of my blog and I find it fabulous !!
Jinifur, Lilla, Bunny, Sugerpie and Glycérine
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your links, your blog are now in blog list, it's crowing nicely. I will come back and check your blogs again with better time. :)))))
My dear, I LOVE your backgrounds! Thank you so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteCoralie Cederna Johnson
A Vintage Cottage Home
ReplyDeleteThank you, I'm so glad you like my design, your beautiful blog has been added to the blog list.
I've loved your stuff forever, and I get so many compliments on the design!
ReplyDeleteIndulge Your Shelf
I have your background in my every Blog ! I just love them ! My last blog is here:
and I also have:
Thank you so much for these great piece of arts !
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you like my stuff, you blog is now on blog list, I come back with better time. :))
Thanks for sharing all your beautiful blogs. Aina kiva saada suomalaisia listoille. Ja lista kasvaa oikein mukavasti multibloggaajien ansiosta, jos laittaisin tohon kaikki omat blogini, niin lista ulottuis jo lattialle asti. Ja tietty niissakin on kaikissa mun sivupohjat. :))
I am using one of your beautiful backgrounds.
ReplyDeleteI'm using one of your beautiful backgrounds on my blog Smuleblogg- my ONLY regret is that it's not that many backgrounds to chose from when I'm using a three column minima..
ReplyDeleteLove your backgrounds! I switch them around all the time! my blog is http://allthatanddimsum.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI am so pleased to be able to use your background designs, Free! My Header works so well with it and looks, Great! Thank you again. Gay Nell www.fadedrosetorust.com (My blogspot)
ReplyDeletehi!! Cool... i have one of your backgrounds in my blog... That i need is a background about pin ups... and 50's models (women) does u have smthg about this ? If u have someone, please contact with me and share me it. Thanks !! http://bettiespagerules.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI adore your backgrounds and the helpful tutorials. I'm using your background on my blog: http://tea-sympathy-and-perfume.blogspot.com/ Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, I added your blog with fairy background to the list, a little fairy there is my daughter. :))
Thank you, I will add your blog right away to the list, and I try to make more for 3 columns.
Barcelona Lady
Thank you so much, and I love to switch backgrounds too. I will add your blog to list.
Gay Nell
Thank you, I'm happy that you found something you like, I will add your blog on list.
I will make some pin up stuff too, I like those 50's women too. :))
Thank you so much, it makes me so happy that I can do something usuful. I will add your blog to blog list. :))
Hi, I've been using one of your blog backgrounds for quite some time & LOVE it, wished you had more with swirls :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, I'm so happy you have found something you like, and thanks for good idea, I must make more with swirls. And your blog is on the list. :))
Thank You so very much for sharing your work with us..
ReplyDeleteI m using one of your creation of my blog and I find it fabulous !!
Just found your site, and trying to decide which of the stunning designs to use. :) Thank you so much for sharing these!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing, I added your blog to list.
Thank you, your blog has been added.
Olen aina iloinen kun tulee kiva suomalainen blogi vastaan. :))
You were Kind enough to add me to your Web List. I am udating my link for you: it is not linking so I am giving you info again. It is to goood to not show. I love the it.
ReplyDeleteI have also add a new blog with your border. Two completly different looks. They are.
1. www.fadedrosrtorust.com or http://fadedrosetorust.blogspot.com
Next and new:
2. http://fadedwithstyle.blogspot.com
linked to (www.fadedwithstyle.com web site.)
Gracias por dejarme usar estos magnificos diseños para mi blog.
Faded Rose to Rust
ReplyDeleteI don't know why I can't get your links working. I tried everything but there is something wrong with them.
Thanks for sharing, your blog has been added to the list.
Hi, You will find your beautiful work on my blog.
You may want to leave a comment and maybe win the Halloween Witch sculpture I am giving away.
Luv and ((Hugs)) xxx Rita
oh! you have just made my blog look more like 'me'! I thank you so much for your generosity!
Oh, this background and header are just beautiful. I love all your work and thanks so much for your wonderful tutorials.
ReplyDeleteYour work is truly amazing, gorgeous, unique, inspiring......I could go on! I have used one of your backgrounds on my blog and would love to be included on your blog list. Thank you so much!!!!!
You are such a true artist in every sense of the word. I truly appreciate you allowing us to utilize your lovely jewels of work! I used one of your templates and everyone who visits my blog simply loves it and so do I. If you would like to see it just visit:
Thank you again for your sincere generosity!
Hello, love your blog,so wonderful of you to share.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to be on your blog.
Hello! Thanks for sharing your lovely backgrounds with us! They are the best. I would love to be added to your blog list.
Hi! Ive used several of your backgrounds, I love them!
Keep up the good work! Youre awesome!
Hi, Its my first time visiting here...I saw your background on another blog and followed your logo and here I am with a lovely background on my blog...I love it, thank you so much
Thank you soooo much! I love your work. My blog is a personal blog and your art has really made my day!
Kirsi, I'd be delighted if you would add my blog to your blogroll. Many of my readers have emailed me to tell me how much they love your background on my blog. Your imagination and artwork is amazing. Thanks so much!
ReplyDelete~ Medusa
Thank you all so much for your lovely words, you make my day!!!! I've added the blogs to the list, already 48 blogs, it will be a great adventure to go through all the blogs time to time. :)))
ReplyDeletewell go through mine www.edzia-goodies.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteThanks for your lovely backgrounds and accesories - I'm happy to use some
best greetings - just one question - how to make the inner part of my blog transparent?
I allways use your designs. I wish i could make backgrounds like your myself...I am jelouse for sure... Kram från Sverig
I love your work, and I have bought collage sheets from you before. So I came here to look at blog backgrounds. I am using one now temporarily, its not quite right with my banner, but my banner is a wierd color, so it makes it difficult to match!
ReplyDeleteI would love a background of old paper, and some my own rhinestone peices to accentuate the column lines like you use the heart pins for. Could I learn to do that myself?
Thanks so much!
I think you are exceptionally talented. I think your designs are beautiful and very unique. I would love to use one of your designs on my Blog it is new and I am trying to figure all this stuff out. Yes, I would like to put your button on my blog. Will any of this cost me anything ?
ReplyDeleteThank You
please please can anyone tell me how to use one of these amazing backrounds on my website ,found here http://elashop.moonfruit.com
ReplyDeletehow do i fit it to the page and what is the code ?
any help would be amzaing
please email me on enlightendkacks@yahoo.co.uk
thanks soo much !!
I suppose I have to thank you for those darker backgrounds..
ReplyDeleteWelcome to visit:
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your blog. Change the template to Minima, then the center is transparent. All my backgrounds are designed to be used with Minima template.
Mikabella and Terri
Thank you, and I'm going to make tutorials of making own background, I try to find time for doing it.
Thank you, I peeked to your blog, and if you want to use any of my backgrounds, you should change the blog template to Minima. Everything is free, so feel free to use anything you like.
I don't know where that background is from, it might be just private background and not for public use. You can get codes only for backgrounds which are made for public use.
Thanks for sharing, I added your blogs to list.
Thank you so much for your fabulous backgrounds!! I recently converted my blog to one of your freebies and have had so many great responses and comments from it, even had a friend (Cajun Stamping Queen) come visit your site to grab her own! You are a wonderful talent, thank you again!
ReplyDeleteBest Wishes,
Terra, from Smeared and Smudged
Hi,I love your backgrounds, they are some of the best I've seen! I am using one on my blogs. The link is: http://lunasblogliste.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteand http://lunascountrystadel.blogspot.com/
Thanks a lot!
Best wishes.....Luna from Vienna
Good evening, I use one of your banners and backgrounds, your instructions how to apply them were very helpful for a beginner. Many thanks from Holland.
Your designs are simply wonderful! I've used several, because I keep finding something I like as much as the one I'm already using! lol Come visit my blog anytime at Brown Bee Studio
ReplyDeletexoxo AndieBee
I love your creations, you make my blog beautiful!
Hello from Sweden!!
ReplyDeleteI have one of your fantastic backgrounds on my blogg Linnea.Smycken.
http://linneasmycken.blogspot.com/ and you have also inspired me to begin with background design.If you whant, chek in to http://vintagemadeforyou.blogspot.com/
Thank you from Carina
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love your backgrounds and your collagesheets.
I use one background on my blog. Look here: https://sigridswelt.blogspot.com
Do you have backgrounds for christmas seasons?
Though I switch my backgrounds a lot due to photos I use..I luv yours..just fantastic! and yes-
ReplyDeleteI am presently using your "Psychedelic" template as my Halloween blog background. Macabre-ly delightful-- thanks! (10/19/09)
Your backgrounds are just gorgeous. I had difficulty choosing which one to use so thank you - it has made my blog look even better.
Hi!! Your backgrounds are amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing. I just found your blog today and I love it. My blog is
Thanks again......can't wait to see your Christmas backgrounds!
I just found your blog and am enjoying all of the wonderful backgrounds. I chose one to use on my blog. Thank you!
Hi Kirsi!
ReplyDeleteI first saw this now..! today is Nov. 2nd..
I have used your blog backrounds and banners purchased since you had a "few" followers.. so you might say I am a "veteran follower"!
I just changed my blog background to another one as I am anxiously waiting for a festive Christmas one that I know I will jump at!
my blog is.. http://darlenepringle.blogspot.com
Christmas is MY FAVORITE OF EVERYTING.. so come visit my blog too! It will be LIT UP BIG TIME!
Hugs, Darlene
Hi :)
ReplyDeleteI've just discovered your blog and I'm loving it! It's on my favourits so I'll explore it as soon as I found some free time. Thanks a lot for so many stuff you share with us :))
My blog is just begining... http://mimartemais.blogspot.com/ and I'm using one of your backgrounds. Thanks again
I love your 'Door' background!
ReplyDeleteThe background isn't loading today, for some reason...
Love your backgrounds and all your collage sheets. I just bought one yesterday in fact! I'm using one of your amazing backgrounds now.
Your graphics are just lovely!! I just made a blog using your free background and made an icon using your digital kit from etsy! Thanks so much!
Tnx for your fabolous graphix ... my blog looks so great now ... may you would like to have a look ?
I love your backgrounds. Very difficult to choose a right one. All of them are so nice. I send you millons of thanks. Have a nice week. Elisabet
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone, we have already 68 blogs on bloglist!!! :))
ReplyDeleteHi. I just love your backgrounds.
ReplyDeleteI have just made my self a follower to your blog.
Here is my adress.
Have a nice week.
I love your backgrounds and all your accessories!! Here is my link http://sixdividedbytwo.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI already have your button there
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful creations! I've had many compliments about my blog. Keep up the fantastic work!
Love your backgrounds
I'm needing a header? How do I do about getting one or changing my back ground the the Super Romantic Fairy(fairy and voliets)..I can't find the code.
Thank you all for your commets and your blogs have been added to the bloglist.
All headers and backgrounds are there, sometimes it's a little bit hard to find, try to browse with fantasy.fairytails.angels
Hi Itkupilli,
ReplyDeleteI'm using one of your great backgrounds for my newly started blog, and it looks great! Thanks for sharing your stuff. Please add me to your blog roll :)
Shoestring Pavilion
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you've found something you like, your blog has been added to the bloglist.
I have recently updated my blog with your designs. I love it! I am new to this whole decorative thing, so I am going to figure out how to add buttons and sidebar headers next to polish it off.
ReplyDeleteYour designs are great, thank you so much!
I can't figure out how to make my own blog designs and was delighted to find your website. I'm using your designs on my blog now.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for sharing
Very nice design but how about the widgets if want to change to your lovely design? Please add me to
ReplyDeleteyour blogroll:
Bonjour, je suis sous le charme de vos fonds de blog. J'aimerais bien pouvoir fr Utiliser des Nations Unies pour mon blog, seulement je ne sais pas à quel endroit je dois coller le code correspondant pour Obtenir un beau Friands aussi. Je suis en France et j'utilise canalblog. Pourriez vous me donner un p'tit coup de main. Je vous en remercie beaucoup par avance.
I love your header.
ReplyDeleteWork from home India
Please add me, I am using your backgrounds frequently! =) xoxo
ReplyDeleteI love your backgrounds! They're the best I've seen. I won't use any others since I've found your site. I would be so honored to be added to your blog list!
I am a fan too! Your backgrounds are the best available, so I have used 3 for my blogs and am re-designing my webpage to include designs to be a portal page for my blogs, etsy.com and facebook
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, i love being on my blogs now - they look so great!!!
Thank you so so very much!! Hugs, Ginger
I love your backgrounds! I'm Maite, from Zaragoza, Spain. Thank you very much!
I love you´re backgrounds and header!! =)i´m using it on my blog..
I just wanted you to know I LOVE your designs!Your backgrounds seem to make my blog crystal clear,which is hard to find with the other free blog background sites.I have choosen this background for my Valentines day theme and previously used the adorable bunny&snowman for my holiday/winter theme.Love them all!I have put a link to your site on my blog in hopes that others will use your wonderful backrounds.Thanks for offering them!~~~~Sharie my blog link is http://sreetzbears.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI really love your work - my blog looks just great after I added one of your backgrounds.
ReplyDeleteWow, free stuff! I was surprised to see such beautiful work for something free. Thank you and I added a link to my blog!
ReplyDeleteYour designs are awesome! I adore them all, so unique and beautiful.
ReplyDeletehttp://snapwhiz.blogspot.com/ is my blog
ReplyDeletevery nice desings!
podoba mi sie Twoj blog
pozdrawiam serdecznie -
- Aleksandra
You're art is unique and inspiring!
ReplyDeleteI used your black and white swirl background here: http://lavacheinteressante.blogspot.com/
Thank you so much!
WoW! I am so amazed by your unike design and incredible artwork!! And thank you very much for sharing your backgrounds and headers. You can see one of your backgrounds on my blog, thank you very much! (I have modified it a little to better fit my blog, and I hope you don't mind, or if you do, please let me know:-)!)
ReplyDeleteThe address is: http://rutheart.blogspot.com/
Love the designs. Fairly new to blogging - but wanted something to add that little extra to my blog. Thanks.
Hi, your creations are used on my blog. I just love the blog now. I was not happy with my blog design and now I am thanks to you. http://heres2thenewme.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI've used your backgrounds for a couple of years now. I have just switched to a 3 column and installed another background. I love them. Thankyou so much.x
ReplyDeleteLove, love, love your graphics!!! You're amazing! I was so happy to find your stuff, and even happier to add your graphics to my blog! You can check it out here! Thanks a bunch!!! <3Laurie
Your backgrounds and headers are extraordinary. If it weren't for you, my blog wouldn't have looked this fabulous.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all thank you so much for sharing so wonderful cute´n´cool blog stuff. I´ve used one of your backgrounds in my blog. Here you have the link:
it will be a p`leasure too, to be in your blogroll.
Hi, I use your fabulous background on my site as well....check it out.
ReplyDeleteich just found your Blog with the wonderful backgrounds!
Its not easy to choose one, but on my blog you can see the one I use at now:
no se si vuelvas a leer estos comentarios pues es un tema bastante viejo pero si quiero compartir mi blog con tigo y los demas, he usado tus diseños que para mi son especiales ademas estoy haciendo un nuevo blog despues colocare su en lace por lo pronto el que ya esta es este http://hannasol55-pensandodiferente.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteJust used one of your lovely backgrounds to update my blog www.dance-with-life.com
ReplyDeleteThank you for your beautiful creations.
Help! No Minima on Blogspot!
ReplyDeleteI am just now building a new blog through blogspot. There is no template there called Minima. I love your backgrounds but can't figure out how to apply one to my blog. Please advise. :)
meganslife58@yahoo.com Thanks!
my wedding website are below :-
please check out
wedding website are below :-
Hi itkupilli
ReplyDeletei'm using your header from i've started blogging, the header you have made is very cute. i'm very grateful to you for having made that cute header, i love it :)
so, this is my blog link:
hey, i'm new!
hi, usuing your background. http://donnasdigitalcreations.blogspot.com